- Why only at one location? The thinking is "keep it simple". If craftsmen know where and when the meetings are with high reliability, they can choose to attend anytime and will attend multiple times during a year. Pillar Technology has already agreed to provide the venue: the Forge at 301 E Liberty St, 7th floor. If the venue proves to be a problem, then this will be reviewed at that time.
- What is meant by partial sponsorship? The thinking is to make the events supported by a community of companies that value craftsmanship, i.e. everyone pitches in and everyone gets some exposure. Ideally, of the two meals provided at an event each will be from a different sponsor. At this time the conservative target is to get partial sponsorship (food only) from about a half-dozen local centers of software craftsmanship.
- Can my company claim this as a tax-deduction? No. We don't have 501c status.
- What do I (sponsor) get from sponsoring these events? Besides a continually growing base of kick-ass developers, your logo prominently displayed (at the entrance and serving table) and your generous sponsorship will be called-out at event openings and as attendees chow-down.
- How much money are we talking about? Here are the working assumptions:
- $10 cost per meal per person (upper limit)
- 12 monthly meetings
- Two meals/event
- Max of 30 attendees (that's an upper limit. The average is 20+)
- Six sponsors (conservative target)
- Given the above, the maximum total annual budget of $7,200.
In the vein on keeping it simple, I've hit upon a method for organizing the particulars of an event without getting in the way.
In the week preceding a workshop, I select a sponsor and confirm with you that you're OK with funding breakfast or lunch for that month's event. A day or two prior to the event, I make all the arrangements with the vendors (delivery date and time, location, how many people based on registrations, and the food being ordered).
When it come to payment is when I step back. The vendors that I've used know that I will ask the sponsor to contact them directly with payment information: either a credit card or a UofM "quick code". Just as for a Pizza delivery, the charge does not take place until the food is delivered, and you get a record of the transaction.
Funding Options #1 (Full):
- Sponsor commits to up to $1,000 of support up front for one calendar year. You pay nothing until an event you sponsor actually get delivered. I check with you a few days prior to the event, choose the caterer, and place the order. I then step out of the way (see "Keeping it Lean" above).
Funding Options #2 (Single Event - breakfast or lunch):
- We will ask sponsors for a commitment of up to $325 (one meal for up to 30 attendees, tax and delivery). The"commitment" simply means that actual registrations will determine how many meals actually get catered and paid for. This eliminates any messiness around trying to pre-fund events and what to do if attendance is low or an event needs to be cancelled.
NOTE: Attendance for 2015 has been pretty consistently over 20 people actually showing up, and only rarely do we hit the cap of 30 registrations.
Funding Options #3 (just "Slots"):
- Anyone can choose to pay for a fixed number of meals (for example, two people to attend a single session: 2 x $20)