GDCR16 - Not For Me

If you're at this website then you know I've been running a monthly code retreat or deep dive for over three years, and we've participated in the Global Day of Coderetreat since the beginning.

This year I'll host a Global Day event again, on October 8th, our regular second Saturday. This is intentionally not on schedule with GDCR16 and not as an official part of GDCR16. GDCR 16 is on October 22nd.

Here's why: I believe GDCR is heading in the wrong direction in one very specific way - commercialization, specifically by marketing access to skilled developers to vendors.  In an effort to raise funds for CoderDojo the value proposition being offered to potential sponsors is all about the ability to show off their wares to the attendees at hundreds of events around the world on that day.

My core reason for hosting coderetreats going back to 2013, and reinforced every month since them, is that developers at all levels require a "safe" environment where they come to meet others interested in expanding and honing their skills.

GDCR is in my opinion, likely inadvertently, treating people that choose to spend an entire Saturday in that pursuit, into a commodity. I want no part of that aspect of GDCR.

"So why reference GDCR at all?" you may ask. Fair question. Coderetreats are a powerful way to learn and as such serve an important function in the software craftsmanship community. If a Global Day of Coderetreat can help to promote the original purpose, then I'm for that and will continue doing my part in making that happen.

The original purpose as I've understood it is to provide places where technical practices (as well as soft practices) can be learned and polished without distraction. It does not include selling access to developers.